Our Team

Andrew Geiwitz: Lead Real Estate Agent / Owner

Hi I'm Andrew! At Bridging Real Estate we do business with mind and heart. This means that each part of our business is consistently analyzed for efficiency, simplicity, cohesiveness, and effectiveness while also never forgetting our business is a people business. A "people business" being one that seeks to listen first with compassion and care, speaks truthfully without being condescending, and who remembers their clients in life after closing.

Our other specialized team roles…

At Bridging Real Estate we believe in the power of the team. Each person working in their specialized role allows us to maximize our time with clients while still creating premium materials and maintaining clear communication. Our other team roles are…

  • Transaction Coordinator

    Hi! I oversee all aspects of buyer & seller transactions from the executed purchase agreement to closing. My support role enables Andrew to focus his attention on what he does best. Selling your home!

  • Marketing Assistant

    Hi! I help Andrew strategize, execute and manage a variety of ad campaigns to market new listings from beginning to end.

  • Broad Partnership Roles

    We work with a network of business partners to leverage their skills and benefit your home sale. Some examples are Photographers &Videographers, Stagers, Lenders, Inspectors, Title, Trades Workers